Tanya's Story

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I am Tiffany’s sister and she asked me to share my story with you all.

For as long as I can remember I have felt shame. I knew I was forgiven, I knew Jesus died for me, but I couldn’t fully accept it for myself.

Since high school I’ve always felt like

“That girl”. The slut, the girl who is always looking for someone to truly love her.

And even when people, like my amazing husband did, it wasn’t enough for me.

When my Sister started Awaken,

I knew that her ultimate goal was to free women in bondage. And I knew that was in part because of me, and the pain she saw me walk through the majority of my life.

She also made it clear many times that someday she wanted me to share my story because she knew how many women have had the same struggles I have had. And I wanted that as well, but I knew I couldn’t do it. You see, I wasn’t free myself so how could I help free anyone else?

I went into our last “Hope for Healing” retreat just like I always do,

I come prepared to serve.

But the Lord had other plans for me.

During the second teaching, which was on allowing the Holy Spirit to work in you,

something happened to me and in an instant I felt totally and completely FREED from my shame. It was gone!

There is no way to explain what happened. It was purely Jesus.

To be used for His glory, to at least let other women know that they are not alone. That healing could happen in an instant. But even if it doesn’t he can use your story in other ways, maybe even more effectively than He uses mine. You are not alone. You are seen and you are so Loved!

I have now been married to my Amazing husband for 20 years and we have two perfect girls. I am so blessed to be a part of the Awaken team and helping free other women like I was freed!

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

—2 Corinthians 3:17

Love, Tanya

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