Our love Story

Hernandez Family_Niki Rhodes Photo (98 of 172).jpg

a love story I fell into,

a lot of what I will share here about our love story is something you can read further about in my book, Through It All! I will give you just a teaser to make you want to read more of course, teehee!

I dreamed of a prince charming to sweep me off my feet wanted it more then I wanted most things in the world. I was the little girl who believed in a fairy tale kind of love and all the movies said it was going to be. So I set out on a mission for the man of my dreams. I wanted a best friend, someone who I would feel safe to be just me and feel completely loved. I wanted someone who made me laugh and who I could lean on when things got really rough. oh and by the way, I wanted him to be a pastor or worship leader or perhaps a missionary who would take me traveling to far off places. So when Jeffrey walked into the scene 5 years my senior and a business man who really had no plans to leave our small town. I instantly turned a blinds eye, there was no way this was my husband. I even sat him down and told him so, but I am getting ahead of myself now. I met Jeffrey for the first time in the rogue valley mall for those who don’t know where or what that is, it is a small building that can barely qualify as a mall but it was the only shopping we had in our small town of southern Oregon. so anyway I am there was my sister and her friend and up walk Jeffrey to say hi to my sisters friend who unbeknownst to me had been talking with Jeffrey about me for quite some time. we exchange pleasantries and we walk away. my sisters friend then proceeds to tell me I should date him and I respond with a very firm no way! I was off to travel the world in about three months from then and besides he was a business man who was five years older then me remember. I come back from my travels abroad with feet sky high in a wheel chair. I had jumped off a waterfall in Maui and broke both my heels. the first time I really hung out with Jeffrey he along with another guy friend of mine had to carry me down my parents apartment stairs. just imagine this, “ oh hey I remember you nice to meet you again as he has one half of my body and my friend has the other carry me down two flights of stairs. it was comical but what I didn’t know was at the time when I needed it most the Lord had sent someone physically to carry me while He carried me emotionally. I fought Jeffrey for a good nine months before I finally realized that I had pushed away the only person I actually trusted with my heart. In that nine months is where I sat him down to let him know I didn’t feel like he was my husband so there was no point in this friendship going any further. He then proceeded to grab my hands on my parents porch swing and pray for my husband with the sweetest prayer that I still remember glimpse of to this day. He prayed, for my husband to treat me right to love me the way I deserved to lead me in the lord and treat me like a princess. I know it sounds crazy but I still didn't cave after this I actually went on to call him a stocker of all things. I just didn’t believe that the way he loved me was real but I was oh so wrong. nine months later the Lord did a huge work on my heart and we started dating and where married a year and 10 months after that. He still loves me with a love that doesn’t feel real and still to this day I feel like a princess with the way he peruses my heart and fights for me. He truly is my best friend, someone I feel safe to be completely me and still feel loved for all that I am. He may have not been the pastor I thought I wanted but the qualities of a man who loved me for me and who leads me and fights for me still way surpass a pastoral role any day. so moral of the story ladies may you standards for how you are treated be high but you ideals of what he should do or how he should look be set aside because God knows exactly what you need and if you keep praying for you husband even if he is no where insight, (ladies I still have my prayer journal where I prayed prayers for my husband even at age 16) I promise you the Lord will honors those prayers and the man you will one day call husband will blow your mind with the Love he has for you. keep praying, keep trusting and know Gods ways are higher then your ways.