Tiffany's Story


When I was 19, I packed up my bags and traveled overseas for Youth With A Mission. While I was there my heart was rocked in so many ways, but one way that stands out the most was the vision I got for for women of all different ages being set free at retreat gatherings. I had felt the Lord speak to me that I was going to speak to nations, but at the time I had never really spoken in front of a crowd. The time came for me to share my testimony and the passion for speaking began. A couple months later, one of my leaders from YWAM felt the Lord speak to her that I was going to speak to nations, not knowing that was exactly what I had heard months before. This was just the beginning of a dream that was so much bigger than me. Each step I took from then on, if in line with this vision of setting women free, I would say yes to. I knew so early on my purpose, and that gave me a drive to keep going. Fast forward 10 or so years later, and I took the leap of faith to start my own non profit called Awaken Retreats. With the help of so many close to me, the dream I once had as a young girl was giving birth to life, and it took my breath away. It has not been an easy road to say the least, but it has been worth the fight all the way. Awaken has now had its 6th retreat and there will be many more to come. If you have a dream, if the Lord has laid a passion on your heart, never give up. Keep fighting for it, and saying yes to whatever comes your way that is in line with that dream. I knew as a little girl that I was made to shine, but so often the world and our christian culture tells us to cower back and to play small so God can play big, but I know a God who doesn’t need me to play small in order for Him to be big. A God who is big enough all on His own. A God who says, “join with me on this great adventure I have for you.” I can be great because He is great, and He lives in me. You are great because He is great, and He lives in you.

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